General Terms and Conditions


§ 1 Subject matter of the contract

Subject of the contract are courses, seminars, individual lessons, group lessons, activities and events for dogs and owners (hereinafter referred to as participants). There is the possibility to get information about equipment, contents and procedures free of charge before the beginning of the contract. A guarantee of success cannot be given. The success depends mainly on the active cooperation of the dog owner.

§ 2 Participation requirements

2.1 Each participating dog must have a valid liability insurance and an official registration. Upon request of Hundecoaching Du & Ich, the customer has to present the official registration as well as the policy of the liability insurance.

2.2 Only dogs that have a current and sufficient vaccination protection and no contagious diseases can participate in the course offers and in the individual trainings. Upon request of Hundecoaching Du & Ich, the customer has to present the vaccination certificate.

2.3 Chronic illnesses are to be reported at the beginning of the training.

2.4 Leash and collar are to be checked for proper function by the participant. The use and application of pull collars without "stop" or chain strangles as well as prong collars is prohibited. The use of so-called retriever collars without "stop" is prohibited. Furthermore, the use of all aids that could cause pain to the dog as well as the use of other aids that are contrary to animal welfare is prohibited.

2.5 Owners of bitches shall suspend group training during the bitch's heat and for one week thereafter.

§ 3 Contract

3.1 An appointment can be made by e-mail, by phone, by WhatsApp message or by personal arrangement.

3.2 After making an appointment, the participant will receive a confirmation by e-mail or WhatsApp. This makes the appointment binding.

3.3 With the binding agreement of an appointment (by telephone, in writing, in person) or the start of the first individual lesson, group lesson, exercise session, exercise hour, seminar or course, these general terms and conditions are deemed accepted by the participant.

§ 4 Terms of payment

The fees for the training are to be paid in advance by bank transfer or PayPal or in cash after the first training session at the latest.

§ 5 Right of withdrawal

5.1 The training basically takes place in any weather. If the weather conditions are unacceptable, the lessons will be cancelled by Hundecoaching Du & Ich. In these cases the training hours will be made up.

5.2 The respective agreed individual lessons are to be cancelled by the participant at least 24 hours before the beginning. The individual lessons canceled in time will be made up for by means of an appropriate replacement date. Lessons not cancelled in time will be charged in full.

5.3 Delays of the participant to the agreed training hours are at the expense of the participant and entitle neither to a reduction of the remuneration nor to an extension of the agreed lesson time.

5.4 Hundecoaching Du & Ich may cancel training sessions due to the absence of the trainer. As soon as possible, the corresponding service will be made up on another date.

5.5 Hundecoaching Du & Ich reserves the right, if necessary, to cancel the lessons at its own discretion. Already paid fees will be refunded proportionally. Further claims against the dog school are excluded.

§ 6 Liability

6.1 Participation is at the participant's own risk.

6.2 The participant is liable for all personal injury, property damage and financial loss caused by him/her and his/her dog during the lessons.

6.3 In addition, the participant is liable for damages caused to him, the trainer or a third party due to false information or negligence.

6.4 It is agreed that the trainer of Hundecoaching Du & Ich is in principle not liable for personal injury, property damage or financial loss resulting from the use of the exercises shown, as well as for damage caused by participating dogs. Thus, neither the dog owner nor third parties can make a claim against them.

6.5 The course participant informs accompanying persons about the exclusion of liability/disclaimer as well as the general terms and conditions of Hundecoaching Du & Ich.

6.6 During the training, the instructions by the trainer are to be followed.

6.7 Hundecoaching Du & Ich does not guarantee success. The success depends mainly on the active cooperation of the dog owner.

6.8 In addition, please note the legal information in the disclaimer of Hundecoaching Du & Ich.

§ 7 Copyright protection

Training documents handed out by Hundecoaching Du & Ich in connection with the training are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced or distributed without written permission. Please also note the legal information in the disclaimer of Hundecoaching Du & Ich.

§ 8 Data protection

As far as it is necessary for the service provision and organization of Hundecoaching Du & Ich, personal data of the customer may be collected, documented, stored and processed for own purposes. This data will not be passed on to third parties. In addition, please refer to the privacy policy of Hundecoaching Du & Ich.

§ 9 Vouchers

9.1 Scope of application
These General Terms and Conditions apply to all vouchers issued by Hundecoaching Du und Ich, Landsberger Straße 106, 80339 Munich (hereinafter referred to as "Hundecoaching Du und Ich"). Insofar as special conditions apply to individual voucher types, these then take precedence over these "General Terms and Conditions".

9.2 Data protection
Hundecoaching Du und Ich uses personal data exclusively for contract processing. Any use for other purposes will only take place if the consent of the person concerned or a legal exception exists.

9.3 Place of jurisdiction, choice of law
The place of jurisdiction for all legal disputes in the relationship between Hundecoaching Du und Ich and a commercial customer is the registered office of Hundecoaching Du und Ich. German law applies exclusively, excluding the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.

9.4 Complaints on purchase
Complaints about the purchase of a Hundecoaching Du und Ich voucher must be made within 14 days of purchase in order to guarantee the possibility of traceability. Complaints made within 14 days of purchase will no longer be accepted.

9.5 Period of validity
Dog Coaching Du und Ich vouchers are valid for the period printed on them or (in the case of electronic vouchers) transmitted electronically. If no period is specified, the vouchers are valid for two years. However, Hundecoaching Du und Ich reserves the right to allow vouchers to expire at a specified time by announcing this on the website in good time. In this case, the customer will be given the opportunity to submit the vouchers in question either electronically or by post. The equivalent value will be paid out free of charge by bank transfer.

9.6 Redemption
Cash payment is not possible; change cannot be given. In the event of loss of a Du und Ich dog coaching voucher, no replacement is possible.

9.7 Fulfillment
When purchasing a Hundecoaching Du und Ich voucher, the place of fulfillment is the registered office of Hundecoaching Du und Ich at the time of purchase. If a voucher is sent to the redeemer in physical form rather than electronically, the risk of accidental loss and the risk of loss of the voucher sent is transferred to the purchaser or redeemer upon delivery to the person or institution designated to carry out the shipment in accordance with § 447 BGB.

9.8 Multiple redemption
Any misuse or multiple redemption of a Hundecoaching Du und Ich voucher will be prosecuted. This expressly includes any attempt at abusive or multiple redemption.

§ 10 Final provisions

9.1 Should one or more provisions of this contract be wholly or partially void, voidable or unenforceable, the legal validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected.

9.2 In place of the invalid provision, a valid provision shall be deemed to have been agreed which comes as close as possible to what was intended by the parties.

9.3 Amendments and supplements to these General Terms and Conditions must be made in writing.

Place of jurisdiction is Munich
Status: January 2024
